Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween through the years....

I thought it would be fun to see all of Haley's costumes and how she is grown through the years.

Okay, so the fist two pictures she was only 6 months old. I was very indecisive about her costume.
Take one...a ladybug (I think)

Take two..a Pumpkin! So cute. Then she decided she was going to start crawling so that costume went back and for take 3...she was a strawberry, which of course I don't have a picture of.
Haley was 16 months old for her 2nd Halloween and she was a Ballerina.
Haley was 2 1/2 for her third Halloween and she picked this Belle costume all by herself!

She was 3 1/2 for her 4th Halloween and she was a very cute Tinkerbell.She was 4 1/2 for her 5th Halloween and her was a "Pink Ballerina Kitty"
I can't believe how much she has grown and that it has been almost 5 years.

Time goes by too fast, take time to enjoy!

Happy Halloween :)

1 comment:

kh said...

good idea to do the halloween thru the years...i might have to copy you!! of course I have 8 halloweens to cover...yikes.